Free 1:1 online math tutoring with Ontario Certified Teachers
Free 1:1 online math tutoring with Ontario Certified Teachers
TVO Learn Mathify is brought to you by TVO Media Education Group, with funding by
What is TVO Learn Mathify?
TVO Learn Mathify provides FREE online math help for Ontario students in Grades 4-12. Access our math tutoring website from any digital device, whenever you need the help.
Students use TVO Learn Mathify to:

Get homework
help for math

Prepare for
math tests

Ask clarity on
math concepts

Visually sketch
math problems
Math help services

Online Tutoring
Quickly choose and connect with an Ontario Certified Teacher for a 1:1 tutoring session.
- Start a session whenever you’re ready. No need to book in advance!
- Tutors available online Monday to Friday from 9 AM to 9 PM ET, and Saturday to Sunday from 3 PM to 9 PM ET.
- Switch easily between voice call and text-chat messaging during your tutoring sessions.
Interactive Whiteboard
Work with your tutor to solve problems using our interactive and collaborative whiteboard tool.
- Add photos of your work and post them on the whiteboard.
- Use the built-in colour, shape and text tools to prepare or model your question.

The Question Bank
Not sure where to begin? Visit the TVO Learn Mathify Question Bank to browse example questions you can use in a tutoring session.
- Choose from hundreds of example questions aligned with the Ontario math curriculum for
Grades 4-12. - Add your example question to the whiteboard and connect with a tutor for support.
My Stuff
Keep track of your TVO Learn Mathify learning experiences for future use.
- Watch your recorded tutoring sessions and revisit chat messages to strengthen learning.
- Save your whiteboards for review and make changes anytime.

Why use TVO Learn Mathify?

Safe and secure
TVO Learn Mathify uses anonymous usernames to guard privacy during tutoring sessions.
Student and tutor feedback about every session is closely reviewed and monitored.

Aligned with the Ontario math curriculum
All tutors are
Ontario Certified Teachers.
Coaching by tutors reflects what students learn in class.

Access support from anywhere, anytime
TVO Learn Mathify is accessible 24/7 from any device and browser.
Use TVO Learn Mathify during class, at home, in the library—whenever you need it!
Create your free account now
System requirements
TVO Learn Mathify is supported on all desktop, tablet, and mobile devices.
To optimize your experience, we recommend using an updated version of one of these browsers:
Microsoft Edge
Google Chrome
Frequently asked questions
Yes! TVO Learn Mathify is completely free to use and features zero advertising. All you need is an Ontario Education Number (OEN) to create an account.
No. Just login to TVO Learn Mathify during tutoring hours for support (9 AM ET to 9 PM ET, Monday to Friday, and 3:00 PM ET to 9 PM ET on Saturdays and Sundays).
With your free and secure TVO Learn Mathify account, you can anonymously connect to an Ontario Certified Teacher for a tutoring session via voice call or text-chat messaging to get coaching about a specific math question you are working on.
TVO Learn Mathify tutors can help you build math confidence for your schoolwork now and in the future.
You can always refer to your tutoring sessions, saved whiteboards and text-based conversations in the My Stuff section of your TVO Learn Mathify account.
TVO Learn Mathify is part of the broad range of free digital learning supports offered by TVO Learn. In addition to online tutoring, TVOLearn.com features numerous Learning Activities for building math skills alongside many other subjects.
Some examples include:
- Grade 4: Exploring Repeating Patterns
- Grade 5: Equivalent Fractions
- Grade 6: Measuring Mass
- Grade 7: Solving Equations
- Grade 8: BEDMAS
- Grade 9: Coding for Algorithms
- Grade 10: The Sine Law
- Grade 11: Functions and Applications
- Grade 12: Interpreting Data